Here’s the news and updates!
The Kybybolite Football & Netball Club would like to acknowledge and give a whole-hearted THANK YOU to these devoted sponsors – even in a year where the season has not even started.
We are mindful that the current situation with Covid has put so much pressure on our local businesses. We appreciate you all, and hopefully the situation improves – in the meantime – KYBY TIGERS – support our current and previous sponsors; they are so vital and valued.
Memberships 2020
As a KMSC committee we are asking ALL players and supporters to please continue to support our club by purchasing a ‘Supporters Membership’ of $40 this season. This is a small price to pay to continue to support our club during this time. We still have bills such as electricity and insurances to pay but due to restrictions we currently have no income and even if we do play, we may still miss out on our major income from the canteen and the bar.
The supporters membership is especially important for any players currently training at the club as this will ensure you are covered under the clubs insurance.
If the decision is made to have a season, your supporting membership can be deducted from your playing membership so you will not need to pay twice.
Kind Regards, Steve Mark, KMSC President
Kyby Footy Update – President Jamie Tidy
There is still no official word from the KNTFL League executive as to if any form of football will take place in the 2020 season at this stage. Clubs are very much divided on how to proceed especially with the potential of holding games with limited spectators which is sure to affect club profits and also the increased workload on volunteers. With rules changing on a weekly basis it is difficult to keep members fully informed, but we are trying.
Carbs and Slotts have returned to training at Kyby with strong numbers. Only 10 players are allowed in each segment of the ground and players are logged prior to taking the field by an accredited “Covid Officer”. The course takes 10 – 15 minutes online and is a very simple process. If the season goes ahead, we may need more officers, so if you have time please get online and complete the course just in case the season goes ahead. (Link below)
The squad has stayed very fit throughout the lockdown period and are keen to be involved in some competitive football in any form that it takes in 2020. The boys will have a significant fitness advantage due to the commitment they have shown.
The playing group has shown enormous commitment to the coaches and each other and if we as a club can get behind them 100% then on field success will not be far away.
This will be my last year as President of the football club and I am immensely proud of what our committee has achieved over the last 3 years in what has been a unique set of circumstances. We have increased our fundraising to take pressure off the sponsor’s, significantly increased aesthetics around the club and have held functions which has packed out the club and given many great club memories. We need people willing to get involved on committees and in my opinion, it is best to keep bringing fresh ideas and support people while they are keen and willing to be involved. The clubs long term survival depends on volunteers!!! The Football club is in a very strong position in regard to quality of coaches, players and income streams and our committee is very proud of what has been achieved!!
More information regarding the season ahead will be known in the very near future.
Jamie Tidy, Football Club President

Football Club Committee
- President – Jamie Tidy
- Vice President – Paul Russell
- Secretary – Stacey McBain
- Treasurer – Josh Rasheed
- KNTFL REP – Craig Brewin
- Ross Gleeson
- Glen Clyne
- Damian Ross
- Ashley Owen
- James Rainsford
- Chris McBain
- Brendan Wallis
Senior Footy Update – Scott Carberry
G’day Kybybolite people, here’s an update on what the senior player group have been up to this year so far, and WOW – what a year to start a new Coaching job.
We had a huge preseason with player numbers consistently over 30 with a lot of familiar faces coming back out and a few new faces to the area joining our club. This year I was able to recruit some specialist training staff to help prepare the players for the 2020 season. Luke Crossling joined the group on a Tuesday night for a solid 1 hour 15 min session of running/fitness, Kylie Barker joined the group on a Thursday night for an hour of Metafit (core/cardio exercises) and Pip Woodard (Exercise Physiologist) put in a huge amount of work to set up an individual program for every player to help with injury prevention and management.
We decided to cancel our first trial match with the looming potential of a virus, which within days turned our lives upside down.
In the weeks after the playing group kept fit by doing training programs in pairs, and then the whole group (including coaches and staff) participated in a Kyby Kilometres (KM) challenge. The whole group was broken into five groups and they had to run or ride to score points for their team. Over the 3 week period we were able to run just over 3,500km and ride 1,500km as a group (a MASSIVE effort), with all 55 players/coaches completing a 10km (10k club) run during this time.
We are now back into training out at Kyby on a Tuesday and Thursday night thanks to the huge amount of work done by the Club to allow this to happen. The first two weeks we were allowed to train in three groups of 10 in each third of the oval. The players had to go straight to their area on the oval sanitise their hands, and train only in their area for the night with no contact, then sanitise their hands and head straight home. Coaching staff would then disinfect all the footballs and gear before the next training session. This week we move on to two groups of up to 20 players in each half and contact drills are allowed with the same hygiene requirements.
Fingers crossed we get football and netball of some sort this year.
Meanwhile, the playing group are showing their commitment and passion for the club, even in these trying times.
All of the football playing group would love to send their best wishes to Fay,
Scott Carberry
Senior Coach
Senior Colts started training last week, and Junior Colts are starting this week! Our lads are chomping at the bit!
Kyby Netball Update – President Hayley Walter
Hi All,
The impact of COVID 19 on community sport has been absolutely devastating. We at the Kybybolite Netball Club were the most prepared we had ever been with the up and coming season ahead and very excited at the strength and depth we had across all grades. We were prepared to fill all teams except a 13’bs and had all coaching positions filled before everything came to a grinding big halt.
It has been a very busy few months behind the scenes discussing how we as a league can work out a way to get players back on the netball court while following Government restrictions and keeping the community and our players’ safe from COVID 19. The league held a zoom meeting on the 20th of May where it was decided that all clubs except one agreed not to commence training under the strict restrictions that are now required to hold ‘Club’ contact training until we can be given a definite answer if the 2020 season will take place. The KNTNA are planning to meet again after a KNTFL meeting which will be held on June the 10th to decide if a season will be going ahead this year. In the meantime all coaches have made contact with their players to find out their intentions and thoughts regarding the possibility of a shortened season beginning in July and finishing mid-October. Our wonderful Pip Woodard is also working hard getting us motivated again with some fantastic work outs to do in the home to keep us fit.
As difficult as it has been not being out on the netball court we must remind ourselves how lucky we have been in Australia so far to escape what could have been a very different and more tragic situation. Stay safe, motivated and fit as it is not forever and we will be all back out at Kyby very soon.
Kind Regards,
Hayley Walter
Netball Club President
Covid Officer Training
Below is the link to the ONLINE TRAINING that needs to be completed by “any official responsible for the conduct of training, match day operations or any other relevant activity” as well as “any Club medical official (doctors, physios, sports trainers)”. The training is the same Australian Government COVID‐19 infection control training designed for doctors, nurses and allied health personnel working in a medical/health setting.
Just select “OTHER” in the ‘Type of Work’ and ‘Workplace’ fields.
Kyby must keep a register of those who have completed this – so once you have completed your training, please DOWNLOAD your Acknowledgement of Completion, and email it to:
Here is the link:

Tiger Talk