Football Club AGM
For our hardworking and dedicated committee the work doesn’t stop just because football has finished. Coming up on the 30th October from 6:30pm at Gather on Gordon we have the Kybybolite Football Club AGM. We will have some committee members stepping off so we require some new people to step up to the plate. It is important to have vibrant and energetic people on the committee who are prepared to drive the club forward. Being on the committee is a selfless act and successful applicants should be proud as we perform a service within the community to provide an asset others can share in the benefits of what a sports club can bring. Supper and tea and coffee will be provided so please come along to have your say and support our club on the night. Historically we struggle to get numbers so we have chosen to hold the AGM in town in an effort to encourage more people to attend. Please club faithful don’t make me look stupid.
Coaching Appointments
As per our football club constitution, we are advertising for coaches for all grades for the 2020 season. We have had a strong history of excellent coaches which has been proven with long term success in the junior grades.
Paul Russell is stepping down as a 3 time reserves premiership coach so we need his big shoes to be filled. There is no doubt coaching takes a certain measure of courage and organization but it has been well proven that the rewards are instrumental in terms of building personal and team relationships and personal development. If you are looking for a challenge then please put up your hand. Coaching Application will be advertised in the Herald next week and also via the Kyby Tigers web page. Please speak to any interested parties and help us get the positions filled. Successful applicants to be announced in the weeks following.
Applications for Coaching Football at Kyby Tigers in 2020
It is always a battle to keep teams on the park so as a club please any help with recruiting the better. Talk to your mates, cousins, acquaintances about the benefits of team sport and coming out to Kyby on the weekend for a kick and a catch. The club is well placed for some strong success in the years ahead and we would like as many people involved as we can. To create strong positive club culture it takes more than just a committee it takes every one. Any leads please do some leg work and pass on leads to anyone on the recruiting committee.
• Jamie Tidy – 0427621944
• Mark Munn – 0417876424
• Tom Cooper – 0458305983
• Craig Brewin – 0428648117
We are getting better at retaining players and finding jobs for locals and hoping to bring local who have left back to the club. If you have work available as apprenticeships, casual employment, farm duties please let the club know so we can delve into the Kyby network and try to find a fit.
2020 Outlook
Off the field we feel we got a lot of things right and would like for the positive sentiment and success to continue. We are planning a “Back to Kyby” major event where we bring back a swag of people who have been involved with the club over many years.
Kyby does hold a special place in many peoples’ hearts so please keep an eye out and please start brainstorming for names and email addresses so we can get as many people back as we can. So we can continue to build our database, email any info to
🐯 Netball Club AGM 🐯
Pop this date on your calendars if you’d like to get some insight into how the club is run and have your say!
When: Tuesday 29th October 2019 6pm for dinner or 7.30pm for the meeting
Where: Naracoorte Hotel Breakfast Room
Apologies to Kirsty Williams on 0438 821 585…. Hope to see lots of you there!
2019 Christmas Show
Will be back this year and we are looking forward to this immensely.
SAVE THE DATE: Friday 6th December from 6pm (location to be advised)
Santa Claus will be in attendance for the little kids.
BBQ provided by the club.
Please ensure you come for a few hours and support the mighty Tigers.
When: Monday 14th October 2019 at 6pm
Where: Billy Macs
Apologies to Sonya Bates on 0403 251729
Jamie Tidy
Football Club President